Antiques Trade

Legal and administrative consulting services in the field of cultural heritage.

Antiques trading service - A&L Consulting

What it includes

A&L Consulting specializes in legal and administrative consultancy in the field of cultural heritage, offering services aimed at the prevention, assistance, and support of those involved in managing regulations related to cultural heritage. Ensuring an accurate interpretation of regulations and compliance requirements is crucial to avoid problems, penalties, costs, and liabilities.

Among our services, we provide the opportunity to request a preventive assessment at your business to identify any risk areas that may violate administrative regulations. This analysis aims to identify potential issues and implement necessary corrective measures to comply with current regulations, avoiding potential legal consequences.

consulenza commercio opere arte

Art Services - Art & Legal Consulting

Customized solutions and strategies

Our consultancy is based on a thorough understanding of laws and regulations concerning cultural heritage, allowing us to offer customized solutions and compliance strategies tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

We are here to guide you through the complex regulatory landscape and ensure a safe and legal management of your cultural heritage assets.

Complete service

Ability to provide a comprehensive service that covers all aspects of art acquisition and management, including research, procurement, logistics, insurance, conservation, and sales.